• Strategie VÚB

    VUB v.v.i. follows in its foundation and strategy the Balneological Research Institute, which was closed in 1992 and was founded in 1952, and which during its activity greatly contributed to the development of the Czechoslovak spa industry on a scientific basis and gained a prestigious position at home and abroad.

    VUB's strategy is based on its own forecast study, The Future of Spa Industry, published in 2018. The forecast was compiled with a time horizon of 15 years, i.e. from 2018 to 2033. VUB's strategy does not cover the entire wide spectrum of R&D topics in spa industry. In the field of balneology and related medical fields, VUB focuses on the original meaning of the term balneology in the sense of water treatment. Micro and nanobubble bath know-how represents the TOP level of knowledge in the world. The results of preliminary research to date in the area of ​​ supporting the treatment of serious skin diseases are the basis for extensive research for decades.

    VUB's strategy in the area of ​​prevention and rehabilitation supports and will continue to deal more broadly with the research and technical development (R&D) of certain therapeutic or healing techniques.

    VUB's strategy is therefore based on two basic pillars of the approach:
    1. The Evidence-Based Medicine approach - EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) used mainly by Western classical      medicine in Europe and the USA.
    2. The Information-Based Medicine approach - IBM (Information Based Medicine). This is an approach described     sporadically in the last ten years. Combining direct and indirect evidence with techniques that cannot be adequately     described by a causal connection between application and result. This approach is used mainly by Complementary     and Integrative Medicine (formerly Alternative Medicine).

    Both approaches intertwine and complement each other in the world, e.g. Classical medicine with Traditional Chinese or Indian Medicine. Not all therapeutic interventions presented by one or the other approach are crystal clear. Especially the 2nd approach is more easily used bordering on legality. In the Czech Republic, things are often mutually challenged with a lower level of effort for mutual understanding or even cooperation.

    Výzkumný ústav balneologický, v. v. i. © 2013