• Completed Research

    Inovation of intelligent therapeutic device – SOMA.S1/ Ministry of Industry and Trade based on the application for the provision of subsidies received on 8.1.2021 within the Call for Innovation Vouchers - VI. Call (hereinafter referred to as the “Call”) and Priority Axis 1 “Development of research and development for innovation”, decided in the Ministry of Industry and Trade 93023/21/61200/42 provide a subsidy for a project entitled “Innovation of an intelligent therapeutic device - SOMA. S1 “, registration number CZ.01.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 20_358 / 0024831
    Och, Kejdana, Mankovecký, Závorková, Zubina, Janů jr., Plíhalová, VUB 2021. More details

    Project of initial Feasibility study„The development of the administrative regions associated at DIAM (Lamie, Istiea-Edipsos, Molos-Ag.Konstantinos-Kammena Vourla, Makrakomi-Sperchiada, Sofades, Trikala) through the rehabilitation of medical spas. Basic Vision: By the development of municipalities and businesses to reduce unemployment and increase the quality of life in “the Region of health and prosperity”. Developed for a collaborative platform: DIAM, Hellenic Republic - Association of Spa Places, Czech Republic, 2016 – 2017

    Description and evaluation of the medical spa concept of the Palava Resort using documents from the company Thermal Pasohlávky, 2016, was not published under a confidentiality agreement.

    Project RIS3L UK – Strategy of medical spa research in  the Usti Region, VUB v.v.i., 11. 2013 for details see here...

    Vision from RIS3L UK project Innovative development of traditional spa care technologies using natural remedies. It mainly uses evidence-based medicine. The main  strategic objective is to defend the role of Czech medical spas as an important element of the effectiveness of primary preventive care and rehabilitation.

    Georgia Health Resort Development and Support by the Czech Republic - A revitalization project of Georgian spas within the framework of Czech development aid focusing mainly on natural remedies resources such as thermal and volcanic mud and possible geothermal use. An important part was the recommendations for amendments to legislation and strategy for development and education, Czech Development Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, 2012-2013

    Study of Energy Savings in  Medical Spa and Health Care, internal publication, October 2014, 28 pages

    Research of a suitable treatment plan for the knee and lumbar spine, Lázně Mšené a. s. in cooperation with VUB v.v.i., Msené-lazne 2009 – 2010, updated 2014, publication in czech langugage only available here ...

    Výzkumný ústav balneologický, v. v. i. © 2013