Operational Programs
Projects are published on this page, which the Research Institute of
Balneology, v. v. i. received in the OP calls.
Non-investment subsidies for the project
"Preparation of a Subsidy Application for the Strategic Project of
Balneology Innovation on the Principle of Micro and Nano-Bubble Technologies with Effects on Skin Diseases", TREND, TAČR, 5.V.
The preparation of the strategic project is supported through the Grant Program Assistance Vouchers
of the Ústí Region, project Support and Development of the Innovation Environment in the Ústí Region II, registration No.CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_055/0014194.
Non-investment subsidies for the project
"Strategic project National Competence Center for Micro and Nanobubble
Advanced Technologies".
The main goal is to build a sufficiently stable and long-term base of applied research called the National
Competence Center for Micro and Nanobubble Advanced Technologies based on the concentration of research capacities of the applicant
Research Institute of Balneology, vvi and other applicants - Institute of Chemical Processes AS CR, vvi, Czech Institute of Informatics,
Robotics and Cybernetics, CTU Prague, Institute of Spa and Balneology, vvi, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Faculty of Medical Studies.
This base will be firmly focused on practice in the field of micro and nanobubble technologies. The other 5 applicants from the cooperating
practice are applicants at the SME level. These are, for example, HS Project spol. s r.o., Léčebné lázně Lázně Kynžvart etc.
The preparation of the strategic project is supported through the grant program "Smart Accelerator 2.0 - Assistance
Vouchers of the Karlovy Vary Region", Smart Accelerator 2.0 project, project registration number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_055/0013938.